Chiropractic Care & Auto Accidents

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident you will need to make an appointment for a brief, but thorough, examination. Often, individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents experience minimal or no symptoms for the first few weeks and even months. It’s important to not only receive immediate and appropriate treatment for any injuries sustained, but also to document the extent of the injuries, if present.

Failure to obtain a timely evaluation or appropriate treatment for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident may negate your ability to receive monetary compensation for any future medical bills resulting from the accident, negate your ability to receive pain and suffering settlements, and negate compensation for work loss.

minimize pain

Chiropractic adjustments after a car accident, you can potentially minimize pain throughout your body.

Range of motion

Chiropractic adjustments can restore range of motion by mobilizing your spine and returning the joints to proper alignment.

reduce scar tissue

A chiropractor can use specific techniques to break the scar tissue up so the area can heal faster.

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Chiropractic Care for Auto Injuries

When you come in, we will determine:

  • the extent of the injury or injuries
  • the number of estimated treatments required to treat your injuries
  • if referral to another medical specialist is required
  • if special tests are required (i.e. MRI, CT Scan, etc.)
  • if you need to take “injury time off” from work (and provide you with a note to present to your employer)

Common Injuries from a Car Accident

Even if you feel fine, an exam within days of your collision could reveal any of these five most common hidden injuries that happen during automobile accidents. 

Neck Injuries

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries during car accidents. The whipping action that occurs between your head and neck often causes a range of soft tissue damage that’s not immediately painful.

Without prompt treatment, however, you may experience the effects of neck injury for weeks, months, or longer. Whiplash can be a complex injury that’s not the same for every patient. You might need medical treatment, physical therapy, and pain management to recover. 

Brain injuries

The forces behind whiplash are also severe enough to cause a concussion, a traumatic brain injury that’s typically caused by a blow to the head or by internal damage caused by the same motion that causes whiplash. Symptoms of a concussion include:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Inability to remember the accident
  • Nausea
  • Tinnitus (ringing in your ears)
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue  

You can have a concussion without losing consciousness, and symptoms can be delayed and unrecognizable immediately after your accident.

Back injuries

Swelling and bleeding that occurs in or around your spinal cord can cause numbness or paralysis that affects you gradually. Less serious, but still of concern, is slowly developing back pain stemming from strained muscles. Untreated, these could develop into long-term back problems.

Soft tissue injuries

Just as soft tissue damage factors into whiplash and back injuries, your feet, ankles, and knees could be injured in a car accident. Shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries are also common. Like other collision injuries, these may not hurt right away. 

With this delayed response, you might not even associate pain from these locations with your accident at first. 

Internal damage

Internal bleeding may not be immediately obvious, but it’s an injury that could be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms may not be obvious to you until you’re already in serious condition.

Meet Dr. Drew Barnabei

Barnabei Chiropractic in Overland Park Kansas


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